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5-1-2022,, 12-1-2022,, 19-1-2022,, 26-1-2022,, 2-2-2022,, 9-2-2022,, 2-3-2022,, 9-3-2022,, 16-3-2022,, 23-3-2022,, 30-3-2022,, 6-4-2022,, 12-4-2022,, 20-4-2022,, 27-4-2022,, 4-5-2022
1-9-2021,, 8-9-2021,, 15-9-2021,, 22-9-2021,, 29-9-2021,, 6-10-2021,, 13-10-2021,, 20-10-2021,, 27-10-2021,, 3-11-2021,, 10-11-2021,,17-11-2021,, 24-11-2021,, 1-12-2021,, 29-12-2021
3-2-2021,,10-2-2021,, 17-2-2021,, 18-2-2021,, 24-2-2021,, 3-3-2021, 10-3-2021,, 17-3-2021,, 27-3-2021,, 7-4-2021,, 14-4-2021,, 21-4-2021,, 28-4-2021,, 5-5-2021,, 12-5-2021
19-5-2021,, 26-5-2021,, 2-6-2021,, 9-6-2021,, 16-6-2021,, 23-6-2021,, 30-6-2021,, 7-7-2021,, 14-7-2021,, 21-7-2021, 28-7-2021,, 4-8-2021,, 11-8-2021,, 18-8-2021,, 25-8-2021
11-5-2022,, 18-5-2022, 25-5-2022, 1-6-2022,, 8-6-2022,, 15-6-2022,, 22-6-2022,, 29-6-2022,, 6-7-2022,, 13-7-2022,, 20-7-2022,, 3-8-2022, 10-8-2022,, 15-8-2022
24-8-2022,, 31-8--2022,, 7-9-2022,, 14-9-2022,, 20-9-2022,, 28-9-2022,, 5-10-2022,, 12-10-2022,, 21-10-2022 ,, 2-11-2022,, 9-11-2022,, 16-11-2022,, 22-11-22,, 30-11-22,, 7-12-2022
14-12-2022,, 21-12-2022,, 28-12-2022,, 4-1-2023,, 11-1-2023,, 17-1-2023,, 24-1-2023,, 31-1-2023,, 8-2-2023,, 15-2-2023,, 22-2-2023,, 7-3-2023,, 14-3-2023,, 22-3-2023
21-6-23,, 28-6-23,, 4-7-2023,, 18-7-2023 , ,25-7-2023,,1-8-2023,, 8-8-2023,, 15-8-2023,, 22-8-2023,, 29-8-2023,, 6-9-2023,, 13-9-2023, 20-9-2023, 26-9-2023,, 3-10-2023
11-10-2023,, 18-10-2023,, 24-10-2023,, 1-11-2023, 10-11-2023,, 17-11-2023,, 23-11-2023,, 29-11-2023,, 6-12-2023,, 13-12-2023, 20-12--2023,, 27-12-2023
2-1-2024,, 10-1-2024,, 17-1-2024, 23-1-2024,, 31-1-2024,, 8-2-2024, 14-2-2024, 21-2-2024,, 27-2-2024,, 6-3-2024,, 12-3-2024,, 20-3-24,, 25-3-24,, 10-4-24,, 16-4-24
24-4-24,, 1-5-24, 8-5-24,, 15-5-24,, 22-5-24,, 29-5-24,, 5-6-24,, 12-6-24,, 19-6-24,, 26-6-24,, 3-7-24,, 10-7-2024,, 17-7-2024,, 24-7-24,, 31-7-24
7-8-2024, 14-8-2024,, 21-8-24,, 28-8-24,, 4-9-24, 11-9-24,, 17-9-24,, 25-9-24,, 2-10-24,, 9-10-24,, 16-10-24,, 23--10-2024,, 30-10-2024, 6-11-2024
13-11-2024,, 20-11-2024,, 27-11-2024,, 4-12-2024,, 11-12-24,, 18-12-2024,, 25-12-2024,, 1-1-2025,, 8-1-2025,, 15-1-2025,, 22-1-2025